As technology continues to dominate many aspects of business and our private life are we in control of technology on it in control of us?
Data, information and technology are essential tools we must harness to remain competitive in the corporate world.
How tech savvy is your board of directors and the senior management team? Are they embracing technological change? Is there a digital transformation road map that is aligned to your Strategy and corporate objectives?
Even at the Board level, many directors are yet to embrace technology in the Boardroom, Board packs are still being circulated by email or in hard copies.
Is your board using digital dashboards and information to enable them to make more informed decisions for more effective outcomes?
This 4 day masterclass will explore the road to business excellence and digital transformation.
Smart working to achieve more with less. Giving your organisation the tools to maintain and increase your market dominance.
Over this 4 day learning and development experience we will look at case studies on digital transformation and how it can be used to improve efficacy, quality and provide a comparative edge.
You can work smarter and harder to stay ahead of your competitors whilst focusing on the customer experience and journey. Too few organisations use the tools they have effectively and many systems are too complex for employees to use efficiently.
Understanding and using ‘Information’ and ‘technology’ is vital in this technological 4th industrial revolution.
we will explore the why, the what and the how of digitalisation and technological success in a fast changing Business environment.

- Strategies to grasp and utilize digital innovation to stay competitive.
- Inspiring your team with a digital-first mindset.
- Effective methods to initiate and implement digital transformation projects.
- Mastering concise communication in the digital era.
- Utilizing data analytics for strategic insights.
- Simplifying complex digital concepts for team understanding.
- Enhancing executive presence in the digital transformation context.
- Crafting compelling narratives for your digital strategy.
- Accumulating a wealth of digital transformation stories from varied experiences.
Who Should Attend ?
- This 4 day master class is designed to cater for the leadership team of your organisation. Participants who would benefit from this learning ad development experience are:
- Board Chairs
- Company Directors
- President Or CE0
- The C- Suite Of Senior Executives
- Department Heads (Specially, HR, Risk Compliant and Corporate Governance)
- Company Secretary/Board Secretary/Corporate Secretary
- DAY 1
Is Technology & Digitalisation A Friend Or Foe?
Session 1 – The building blocks for success
Session 2 A roadmap for success
Session 3 – Effectiveness and leadership essentials
Session 4 – Predicting the future, a storm is coming!
- DAY 2
Command, Control & Conquer
Session 1 Success and failures – prevention is cheaper than cure
Session 2 – monitoring and oversight-to dates
Session 3 – Group exercise
Session 4 – Duck, pivot, more and strike
- DAY 3
The Business Case For Good Governor
Session 1 – Clear and true vision
Session 2 – Robots, machines or humans
Session 3 – Prevention is better and cheaper than cure
Session 4 -They say football is a game of two halves
Could technology place us back in the dark ages?
Session 1 – Man versus machine
Session 2 Where’s my coffee?
Session 3 – Delegation, oversight and performance
Session 4 – Future ready and future focus
Game changing future focus
Consider the road to success
Risk versus reward
Recap of the four days.