Online Programming Course



To survive and thrive in the post Covid 19 VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world, organisations must be more adaptive, resilient and customer/employee centric. The central responsibility for strategically aligning an organisation’s people to its purpose and vision rests largely on HR leaders and professionals and will require them to step up even more into the strategic zone whilst maintaining a grip on tactics and delivery.

This will require HR professionals to have a strategic skill set that allows
them to transform and transact to engage business leaders in the critical levers of people engagement and commitment to optimise people potential and productivity.

This course will present and discuss HR strategies and tactics covering the HR global context including Strategic Human Resource Management,
Strategic Resourcing, Performance Management and Reward, Employee
Engagement and Commitment, Talent Management, Neuroscience and
Employee Resilience, Organisational Coaching and Change Management.

The course activities will include presentations, discussion groups, assessments and case studies aligned to the specific topics.


Understanding the role of the HR Leader in delivering competitive advantage
through people


How to develop HR strategy that is aligned to the business strategy


How to develop a Strategic Workforce Plan as part of this process


How to ensure the identification, attraction, retention and effective management
of people through talent management systems and processes


How to engage employees through building a culture of inclusiveness and


How to manage a multi-generational workforce


Understanding the Employer Brand and the Employee Value Proposition


The benefits of coaching and mentoring


Neuroscience & Emotional Intelligence in an HR Context


Who Should Attend ?

However, If you want to improve your performance then you should be there!

HR Directors and Executives
Head of HR
Senior HR Professionals
HR Business Partners
Talent Executives and Managers
Organizational Development
HR Managers
Head of Administration
Head of Learning & Development